All Is Well

fuhh. lama gila nda menulis sini. haha. adehh. sian blog aku. terabai begitu jek. bukan apa baa. aku busy baa. mana laie pikir time tu mau puasa, raya lagi, and most of all, get back to school. but before aku mula membebel, aku maw wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI. haha. sangat noob aku. mau abes da Syawal baru mau wish. haha..

well, as i can say. ALL IS WELL. semua ok ok jaa. nothing really special happened. time Raya pun biasa ja. other than the fact that i have the opportunities to hang out with my beloved families for more than 2 months, yang lain lain biasa ja. to be honest to y'all, Raya kali ni feel nothing special bagi aku. ntah la. da memang camtu. maybe as you grow older (and in my case definitely wiser), the fun of Raya da hilang. ya ya, i know.. malam Raya feel extra special, but that's just it - plain special. rindu aku mau rasa time Raya dulu dulu. malam Raya pi berkejar kejar ma kazen kasi lempar dorang tu mercun katak. pastu main tu bunga api yang tukar tukar warna. kalau warna nya merah terus teriak teriak "merah merah!" pastu kalau tukar pi hijau teriak laie "hijau hijau!"... aiyyaa. best woo dulu dulu. pastu suda main mercun pi laie main tapuk tapuk. haha... those were some of the most amazing things that i can remember. tapi dulu la kan.. sekarang ndada sudah.. rindu pla aku sama childhood friends aku. sekarang ndada udah kejar kejar lempar mercun. ndada udah pi kuburan Cina pi cari anjing untuk di kasi flying pedal... hmm.

tapi da namanya life kan. we have to move on. and the most wonderful thing about life is that we went through so many good things in life and we thought that that would be our final time feeling those things, tapi sooner we found out that itu cuma sebahagian daripada apa yang life has in store for us. and bagi aku, aku bersyukur aku dapat lalui semua tu masa aku kecik kecik dulu and psani aku nda kan lagi lalui benda yang sama. aku nda mau jua lagi ada pengalaman begitu. cukup sekali. supaya apa yang aku lalui sekali tu dapat aku simpan sampai mati. :)

sekarang da dua minggu aku di UMS ne. start of new sem. my final year. adehh. nda terasa wooo. cepat gila masa berlalu. macam baru ja minggu lepas aku pi UPM untuk tukar status pelajar dari pelajar UPM ke pelajar UMS. sekarang aku da masuk final year. adesss.. rasa macam time move so freakin fast that i have no time to grab every single moment. rasa macam banyak yang aku terlepas. macam nda cukup masa untuk enjoy semua..

but then again, we are human. kalau boleh kita mau semua apa yang jadi kita dapat hold on thight and never let go. tapi, kalau kita dapat semua apa yang kita mau, macamana kita mau hargai semua apa yang ada kan? the reason why things get to slipped off from our hands is that kita belajar untuk appreciate semua apa yang kita ada.

to be quite honest, aku rasa nervous gila to go through my final year. ya la. da namanya FINAL YEAR. this is it. it is do or die - academically and in terms of life. it is time untuk aku go all out in terms of my study. nda mau da main main. nda mau da buang masa. nda mau da jadi the same person as i was back in 4th sem (as you all know my pointer took a nose-dive last sem). it is time for me to go all out. i don't want to be graduated just as a student who graduate, i want to graduate as a THE student who graduate. maksudnya, aku mau jadi somebody, not just anybody yang pi sewa baju and terima ijazah di atas pentas Dewan Canselor.

so it is really up to me to get it through this final year. aku tau aku bleh buat, cuma kadang kadang (well, not kadang kadang actually, most of the time) aku ne pemalas. apa laie kalau di bilik, duduk ja menghadap laptop mau baca artikel, terus mata rasa berat. terus mau tidur. aiyyaaa. itu ja la kerja aku di bilik - makan, tinguk movie, dengar lagu. tidur. sungguh ndada life aku ne.. harap harap la sem baru ne bawak semangat baru. and as far as it goes, semuanya ok ja sekarang ne. aku ada semangat sikit mau start sem. harap harap la berterusan kan.

awal awal sem ne aku busy sikit. mau urus family day untu junior Sport Science aku. and yang paling penting ne JELAJAH SAINS SUKAN SABAH: UMS 2011. fuhh. i haven't been so excited about something for so long, and this changed everything. program ni kira macam my baby my most important, my precious. a lot go to this, and i have put so many effort on this one. i want this one to work out. nda kesah apa, aku mau jua kasi jalan ne program. so far, respon untuk program ne has been overwhelming and my classmate pun seemed to be excited. so keeping my fingers crossed that this will work out.

staying in the do or die topic, the other part of me that i want to let go is myself. maksud aku, aku janji mau go all out on my study, but also, considering the fact that this is my FINAL YEAR as a student, so why not make it big? mungkin aku akan buat something crazy, who knows. haha. after all, life as a student is the most exciting parts in life. so before aku close that chapter for good, i wanna do something that i can remember for the rest of my life. anggap macam the highlight of my final year laa. haha.

hmm. life is interesting kan? macam macam benda jadik. aku nda percaya ada life yang dull. aku rasa semua kehidupan itu so interesting. semua benda yang jadik dalam hidup tu kan yang membuat kan hidup kita lebih berwarna, lebih berwarna. so appreciate life, coz you only got one shot at it. :)

baa setakat ne, ini ja la dulu. i will post as often as i could. so i will see you guys later, sooner. as for now, all is well. :)



  1. weee... goodluck in your senior year!
    this year gonna move so fast, so appreciate every lil thing u encounter. spy x menyesal di kemudian hari. heee.. =)

  2. ahaa. fo shooo. seram wooo. tapi excited jua. hmm. let everything flow by itself. i dont wanna rush thing. just wanna live the moment. :p
