Today Is The Day My Life Begins.

Today is the day my life begins.

Well, kalau korang ada follow aku di Twitter or Facebook, y'all must have known about this "Re-branding Me" that I always talked about. For those of you whose not (fuck you, JK), re-branding me is all about me changing myself - for the better of course.

Ntah camana jadi tapi kebelakangan ne aku rasa aku macam dapat wake up call, you know what I'm saying? Kebelakangan ni aku start berfikir pasal my life as a whole; trying to take full responsibility of my life. I am a grown up now, sudah 23 tahun umur aku. So, sampai bila lagi mau living in a dream? I have to wake up and smell the coffee and be an adult. Maksud aku, sudah sampai masanya utk aku bertanggungjawab dgn diri aku sendiri. So that is why aku decide untuk re-brand myself sbb I was not the best of person in the past. Sampai sekarang pun sama jua. And I am tired of it. I want to change, I have to change. Mcm aku cakap, aku da besar, sudah sampai masanya untuk fikir pasal hidup aku.

In less than a month, aku da start study balik. And that is a HUGE step, in the right direction. Aku memang aim mau jadi lecturer, so master's degree is a right-on-point target. Aku da jumpa supervisor tadi pagi, and Alhamdulillah, we came up with a lot of great things. Looking forward to start my research. Plus, it is confirmed that I will be teaching as a part time job as well. Happy!

Then, I have moved in to my new place. Excited gila. Selama ni aku tidur di ruang tamu ja. LOLs. But now I have my own room. Puas hati jugak la sebab ruang dia cukup untuk aku, perabot pun OK. Plus  kipas dia kuat gila. Yang aku paling suka dia ada dua lampu yg bahagikan bilik aku kepada 2 zon. Zon stadi, and zon movie. Haha. Bilik ni plak come up with its own back verandah. Yeay... sesuai sangat la untuk aku stay2 baca ebook aku yang bertimbun tu. And it will be a great place for my kitten to grow up.

Speaking about kitten (excited!!!), I will be adopting my own kitten soon. Mcm sememeh jek dengar kan? Tapi bagi aku this one is a huge step as well sbb it is the first time I will have a kitten of my own, not my family's. Plus, jaga kitten bukan senang, nak kasik makan, jaga kebersihan dia, bawak pi vet - I guess this will help me to grow up more and be a more responsible kinda person. Macam practice untuk jaga baby la kunun. LOLs.

Everything seems to be heading on a direction right now, and I am happy about it. Life has start for me. A new life. A chance to redeem myself. A chance to give back to my parents (amin). So, hopefully, Tuhan akan teruskan membakar semangat aku to be the best person that I always wanted to be. I know it won't be easy, somewhere down the road I will face up with more difficulties, but I know that I will be strong and get it through. Amin.

"Today's the day my life begins. Today I become a citizen of the world. Today I become a grown up. Today I become accountable to someone other than myself and my parents. Accountable for more than my grades.Today, I become accountable to the world. To the future. To all the possibilities that life has to offer. Starting today, my job is to show up wide eyed and willing and ready. For what, I don't know. For anything. For everything. To take on life. To take on love. To take on the responsibility and possibility. Today, my friends, our lives begin. And, I for one can't wait."

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