The Return Of Blink 182: Up All Night

dalam beberapa hari ni, aku dok keboringan jek di rumah sambil online 24/7 and basically has nothing else to do. but last night, something good finally happen. i was randomly browsing internet and then - bam! - Blink 182 is back with their new single: "Up All Night".

berita pasal dorang maw buat comeback ne kalau nda silap lama da aku dengar. mungkin jugak projek dorang stalled gara-gara macam-macam isu dorang. ada pasal rehab, pasal divorce... ntah la. aku nda ikut sangat dorang ni. tapi setelah bertahun lamanya, akhirnya, one of the greatest pop-punk rock band in the history of music launched dorang punya single ne di radio dan di website dorang.

kalau ikutkan tajuk lagu ne, mesti korang pikir yang lagu ne sama jua macam lagu-lagu dorang yang dulu - macam party anthem la kunun. dorang kunun refuse untuk grow up, dorang cuma maw rock on, cuma maw have fun macam dulu-dulu laa time dorang masi muda (skrang droang 30-an da nda silap laa). MAAF, ANDA SILAP.

"Up All Night" adalah lagu yang betul-betul menusuk kalbu, sangat melankolik, yang mana lagu ne memberikan perspektif tentang macamana untuk melalui satu jalan yang dianggap macam neraka, yang dikenali sebagai kehidupan. to be honest, being someone who is drawn so much into witing, lirik lagu ni is one of the best ever.

“Everyone raises kids in a world that changes life into a bitter game / Everyone works and fights, stays up all night to celebrate the day / And everyone lives to tell the tale of how we die alone some day / Let me get this straight, do you want me here? / As I struggle through each and every year / And all these demons, they keep me up all night / They keep me up all night.”

dengar ja lagu ni, terus aku pi carik lirik dia. fuhhh. sangat realistik, ging. band ni memang terkenal dengan lirik dorang yang fun dan kebiasaannya sexually-inspired, tapi once in a while they can penned some of the best songs lyrically. need proof? cuba dengar lirik "Stay Together for the Kids" .

dari segi lirik, memang sangat matured udah la di dengar. i guess they are at a point where life truly take its tool on them. so they decided to really show it to the people this time. or mungkin this is just a song that happened to be written in the perspective of life. who knows kan? while the lyrics seem to be mature enough, tapi dari segi muzik, trademark band ni - raucuos guitar riffs style production yang nda dapat di agak - masih lagi dapat didengar. and yang paling siok, dihujung2 lagu ni ada breakdown: filled with jagged guitars dan ditambah dengan drum yang frantic and punding. aku nda juga pakar dalam bidang muzik ni, but this one is good. really good.

walau pun aku nda minat betul ma band ni, tapi lagu ni do not disappoint. memang enjoy juga laa. this song is amazing. it really is. kalau korang belum pernah dengar, cuba dengar lagu ni (just klik link tuh) dibawah. sedia la kroang untuk bergegar dan nangis2 macam India mati lakik.


  1. can't match with their old music.

  2. yeah, i know. but maybe they evolved through out the years and heading for different direction. who knows? lets see till their full-length album come out and then we can judge. :)
