so, without further adue...
10. Last Child - Pedih
i don't think you guys familiar dengan lagu ni. well, it's ok sebab lagu ni dinyanyikan oleh Indonesia's pop-punk band. memang dorang nda pemes pun ni. tapi lagu ni best, serius cakap. it is about this man, trying to persuade a girl yang kunun2 hati pecah. simple ja lirik dia, tapi sangat power, indek. typical la kan orang indon. sangat puitis susunan lirik dia.
"disini ku temani kau dalam tangismu / bila air mata mu dapat cairkan hati / kan ku cabut duri pedih dalam hatimu / agar ku lihat senyum di tidurmu malam nanti"
BEST. LINES.EVER. (other than the fact yang dia maw tinguk tu perempuan senyum dalam tidur nanti malam - do i smell some sexually intended lyrics here?)
lagu ni melodi dia simple jak especially kalau korang dengar the original version. but i guess that's what makes the song work, the message behind the lyrics is so powerful that they need to have a simple melody so that the message do not get overwhelmed by the production of the songs. versi akustik dia memang power gila: just a simple guitar and string, ditambah dengan suara mamat ne yang macam sedap (huh. macam rata2 orang indon ada suara gini kan?) mungkin Malaysian musician could learn a thing or two from this song on how a song should be simple tapi dapat sentuh hati pendengar, nda perlu laa chord progression yang sangat complicated di campur dengan lirik yang dikasi roajk dengan bahasa dari Kamus Dewan tahun 2015 punya edisi. *cough*HUJAN*cough*
now, how i wish someone will sing me this song when i am breaking down as well.
9. Someone Like You - Adele
2011 was supposed to be an epic year where 2 of the biggests pop icons collide - the Reigning Princess of Pop a.k.a the Queen of the Universe: Miss Britney Spears a.k.a Godnye, VS the Shit of Pop a.k.a Satan Worshipper: Lady GaGa a.k.a StupidCrazyFuckingOldFlop. tapi nda pla di perasaan ada pla seorang wanita berbadan gempal yang merampas spotlight: Adele. album ke-2 Adele, 21, sudah mencecah jualan 8 juta keping seluruh dunia (kalau kamu mau tau la) walau pun baru di-release Oktober lepas (kalau kamu mau tau jugak).
single pertamanya, Someone Like You, is a complete tear-jerker. lagu ni pasal si perempuan gemuk ini yang dia punya ex sudah move on, sudah kawin laie, sedangkan dia masih laie stuck in the past. another power ballad, just a simple piano dicampur dengan suara si Adele ne yang macam sangat power. (kadang2 aku rasa lepas nyanyi ni lagu mesti dia pingsan sebab macam telampau power woo.) tapi lagu ni memang syok woo. walau pun hati dia udah pecah, tapi dia masih laie postive dia akan jumpa orang lain, tapi dia mau macam tu lelaki jua. nda mau dia macam orang lain.
indek, kalau sudah tu lelaki kasi tinggal kau, mau juga ko carik orang macam dia lagi. bakal la ko di kasi tinggal lagi. what's next? Someone Like You and Him?
8. Lonely - Akon
aku rasa nda perlu la intro pasal ni lagu. semua orang tau jua. it was bvack in 2003, where it was all about Queen Britney being a Slave 4 U or Evanescence brings us to life again, muncul pula lelaki paling hitam di dunia yang suka pakai warna putih jadi dia tambah hitam di tinguk a.k.a Akon dengan lagu yang has became one of the biggest hits in R&B music history. lagu ne da set phenomenon dengan addictive hooks yang dinyanyikan oleh the most creep-ishly cute creature in the world: Chipmunk.
the song itself is all about regret. menyesal kasi ignore tu perempuan, menyesal nda jaga dia bagus2, menyesal kasi sia2 tu perempuan - last dia di kasik tinggal. naa. begitu la manusia. sudah terhantuk baru terngadah kan. baru la maw menyesal. baru dia maw kejar2 tu perempuan padahal tu perempuan sudah balik pi rumah mama dia. naa. tu la ko Akon. ko itu hitam, ko dapat cewek cantik, ko kasi sia2. tinguk? naa di kasik tinggal. rugi.
but all in all, this song is really, really good. sedap suara si hitam ne. unik. ngam nyanyi lagu2 begini. and what i like about this song is that it reflects the real fact about human: we never appreciate the things that we've got, until we lose them. so kudos for Akon for bringing this shit up.
and a side note, this is the song that i re-played over and over again the night when me and my ex broke-up.
7. Back to December - Taylor Swift
just like Lonely by Akon, this is a song about regret as well. but this one is much more honest i guess. well, she is Taylor Swift after all. dia tulis lirik dari diari dia. what to expect? kadang2 aku terpikir jua macamana kalau dia tulis diari tu ah? mesti dia susah2 maw cari words untuk kasi rhyme supaya senang dia buat lirik kan?
this is a song that is believed to be dedicated to a certain Twilight Boy a.k.a The Werewolf. sangat yakin si TayTay ni. malar tulis lagu pasal lelaki. ahah.
but talking about this song, i dunno why but i fell in love with the song right away. i am not a fan of TayTay, and i don't really listen to her songs, but this one gets me. i dunno, maybe the beautiful melody or maybe the deep and punch-you-in-the-face lyrics, maybe because TayTay looks cute in the video, or maybe because aku kesian ma dia lepas si Kanye West pi sabotaj dia punya MTV VMA Awards winning speech tu ari, but i really like this song. menyesal kunun dia yang dorang punya hubungan have to come to an end. kalau boleh dia mau ulang balik masa kasi repair the mistakes that she did. honey, don't we all are?
TayTay is a sweet girl and this song reflects her softer side. jeez, who knows a sweet girl has a even more softer side, right? but still, this song is a very good song - very likely because she would go back to my birthday month all the time.
6. Mungkin - Potret
with just an accoustic guitar and a simple string, Melly Goeslow + Anto Hoed showed us once again why they are a great combination in making music. simple ja lagu ni. ala2 akustik. tapi melodi dia sangat2 sedap. walau pun lirik dia sikit2 blur, but hey, good music is a good music. so no judgment here.
this song is about expressing the possibilities of continuing a relationship despite all the fights and dramas that has been going on in one's relationship. now, don't that just hit you in the face? maksud aku, dalam setiap hubungan mesti ada gaduh2 and samapi satu tahap, kita terpikir, masih ada peluang ka lagi maw continue ni? masih ada harapan ka relationship kita ni? dan yang paling menarik sekali, Melly nda kasi tau ending relationship dorang exactly camana. dia kasik hint saja yang kununnya cintanya masih kuat untuk orang tu sampai dia sanggup tutup semua kelemahan orang tu. ahhh... how sweet!
lagu ni paling kenak dengan situasi aku sekarang. malas maw cerita panjang lebar. kalau korang baca status aku di facebook korang paham la.
5. Cinta Dan Benci - Geisha
another Indon song? aha.
btw, this is a song by one of my favorite bands from the other side of the country, Geisha. aku memang minat Geisha ni. lagu2 dorang ok jua la. puas hati jua dengar. there's an element of mellow-ish dalam lagu2 dorang. plus, sedap suara perempuan ne. so, it's all god for me!
lagu ni pasal rintihan hati perempuan ni kesian. dia sayang betul sama tu lelaki tapi tu lelaki jahat ma dia. nda pernah peduli ma dia. tapi, still, she can't walk away from that relationship. even thought she tried hard, she can't hate that man even a bit. huh. shame on you for throwing this kinda woman, man!
"sungguh aku tak bisa / sampai kapan pun tak bisa / membenci diri mu / sesungguhnya aku tak mampu / sulit untuk ku bisa / sangat sulit, ku tak bisa / memisahkan segala cinta dan benci yang ku rasa"
it is a love-hate relationship i guess. dia benci tu lelaki sebab tu lelaki nda pernah hargai dirinya kunun tapi dia betul2 sayang ma tu lelaki. hmm. sungguh besar dilema wanita ini. sabar la, nak...
this is one good song, though. it is definitely one of the stand-out tracks from their album. kalau korang nda pernah dengar, ba, korang dengar la di sini.
4. Everytime - Britney Spears a.k.a Godney
ini bukan bias ahh. memang aku minat gila ama Kak Britney, tapi that's not the reason why i put this song in this list. this song deserve to be on this list. it is truly one of my favorite tracks from the Pop Vixen ever!
Everytime is written by the Queen herself. she even kunun2 track ne di tulis untuk JT time dorang break dulu. hmm. what a world kan? you get a heartbreak and as a turn, you score a major hit. only Godney!
lagu ni pasal mengharap laa basically. but it's so far from your typical "ohh please take me back, i'm desperate..". it is written in the simplest way possible and that's what so magical about it. it brings the message of loneliness and pain straightforward. ditambah dengan alunan melodi piano dan vokal Kak Britney yang angelic gitu, bam! you got one of the best ballads ever produced in the history of music.
"everytime i try to fly i fall without my wings, i feel so small / i guess i need you, baby / and everytime i see you in my dreams i see your face, your haunting me / i guess i need you, baby"
Britney don't have the voice like any other balladeer, but fuck it. her voice is angelic enough to compliment this song perfectly. simple, distinctive voice. sedap di dengar. and by the way, she sounds so much better when she sings ballad.
the clip video is epic. she looks so beautiful, especially the white light scence. btul2 macam angel sudah dia. baru tu dalam tub punya scene tu, fulamak! she can even makes gay turns hard. only Godney!
i don't care if Judas is Born This Way and he is on the Edge of Glory. but when you gives Britney a pen and a piece of paper and let her sit behind her piano, Lady GaGa will beg her to stop writing coz Lady GaGa knows she won't stand a chance against the Pop Royalty, Queen Britney Spears.
3. Lonely - 2NE1
who said that only the one who gets dump that can be broken-hearted? yang kasi dump pun ada perasaan jua ba. and nothing says it better than this song by the best K-Pop all-female band ever to hit music scence, 2NE1.
this song is about how one feel so lonely in a relationship, there's no connection at all even though they are partners. sandi jua kan gini. tapi memang jua biasa terjadi ba ni. awal2 dulu memang hot and steamy tapi lama2 terus rasa macam kosong. macam nothing special.
the song itself is a power ballad. walaupun 2NE1 sudah pernah nyanyi ballad sebelum ni, but this one is completely different. masa mula2 aku dengar lagu ni, aku tertunggu2 ne sama ada drum akan kick in, atau electric guitar sinks in, but naah. teda. dari awal sampai abis, it's all about acoustic guitar and a much stripped down vocals of the girls. 2NE1 is famous for having girls that can really sing (makes it almost can really sing for Dara) so this song really showcase the different style of vocals they have. even Dara's vocal which is very thin and sounded weak fits perfectly to this song.
"baby. i'm sorry / even when i'm with you, i'm lonely / i must be lacking when it comes to love / please forgive this horrible person that i am / i'm sorry / this is yours and my story / i must not be worthy of this thing called love / even though i'm by your side baby i'm so lonely..."
so honest. so real. so 2NE1.
2. On Rainy Days - Beast
in the world where music scene now is dominated by a groups of disturbingly pretty men and their awesome hairstyles that can dance like there's no tomorrow but can't sing for real, one boy band came and break the tradition. sebenarnya ada sudah ba, my all time favorite Big Bang.
BEAST is one of the biggest boy band from Korea now, and i happen to be one of their biggest fans ever. this is a band that can really sing, you know. kalau nda percaya pi cari di sana Youtube. cari dorang punya live performances, especially the ballads and you'll see - your faves could nevah!
walau pun dorang sudah banyak nyanyi lagu ballad macam Say No, Easy, and the ever-so heartbreaking ballad that combined Doo Joon and Dong Woon masculin vocal When the Door Close, this one is different. completely different.
if you take a listen to this song, you can hear a very different touch of music in this song. nda sama macam apa yang dorang pernah buat sebelum ni. if you are a fan like i do, then you will notice. sedap gila lagu ni especially bahagian korus dia. kalau dengar malam2 time hujan, fuhh.. meleleh air mata beb. this song, once again, show that Beast is one of the acts that can really sings live. banyak kali da dorang perform lagu ni live and they were superb, especially my fa of the pack - Yo Soeb.
lagu ni pasal anu kunun, pasal ni lelaki sudah break ama girl dia tapi time hujan2 mesti dia teringat ama ex dia tu.
ehem2. hujan kan sejuk2.. jadi.....
back to the lyrics.
dia selalu teringat kunun ma cewek dia kalau malam2 dia sendiri2. no matter how hard he tried, he just can't let her go. it is the matter of letting go. hmm. aku rasa at one point, we all feel the same way don't we? nda guna juga aku explain lirik dia. kalau korang dengar lagu dia pun nda jua korang paham. but believe me, this song is haunted. walau pun korang nda tau apa dia cakap, tapi somehow, korang akan rasa penderitaan orang ni. wel, after all, music is a universal language.
kalau korang nda pernah dengar lagu ni, bagus korang mati. kalau nda mau mati, dengar di sini ok..
1. Pujaan Hati - Kangen Band
aha! yes, it is! my no. 1 lagu hati pecah is Pujaan Hati by Kangen Band. :)
some of you may questioned it, some of you may applaud it, but fuck yeah - this song embodies everything about heartbreak: the sorrowful melody that can make you suicidal, the lyrics that will make you cry your eyes out, and the vocal... well, just the vocal.
lagu ni pasal cinta di tolak kunun. jadi ni lelaki tanya2 kenapa. dia amw jawapan sebab dia sayang betul2 ma ni perempuan. Pujaan Hati dia kan. sayang betul dia ma ne perempuan kunun sampai dia doa kan ne perempuan sebelum tidurnya (macam ndada benda penting lain mau di kasi dengar sama Tuhan?)
tapi, lirically, this song is honest. it is what it is. simple, lelaki ni maw betul ma tu perempuan, tapi tu perempuan reject. so lelaki tu macam melankolik sendiri la kan. but for me, there is much more to this song than the actual lyric. this song shows how much strong the love of the man to that woman that he didn't give up at all after being rejected. dia masih simpan harapan lagi yang perempuan tu boleh jadi pelengkap jalan cerita hidupnya.
Pujaan Hati remains as one of my fav songs ever. i even created a short-lived novel-blog on my Facebook page of the same title. aha. love it or hate it, you just got to admit, this song gets to you. take another listen below. it will rock your heart.
there you have it. 10 of the songs i always listen to when i am heart-broken. what say you? ada lagu2 best yang maw di share? baa.. jangan malu2. mari kongsi2! enjoy the songs y'all!
ps: all these songs are dedicated to my Mr. September. :)
i tot rolling in the deep was adele first single for 2011...and idk that u like korean song..hihi..:)
ReplyDeleterolling in the deep is for america only. someone like you is other countries. aha. u learn something new every day. :)
ReplyDeleteowh.haha...keep blogging then...i like to know more.haha..
ReplyDeletewilld o. :p
ReplyDeletemacam kau telah merampas next post aku lah kann??
i hv the same thought on Someone Like You too.
love it, but mcm sgt shit la kan tuh perempuan. mcm pathetic ni. aku yg panas if dgr lagu tuh. tp balik2 jugak aku dgr. ahahaha
ah? ko pun maw buat ka? haha. sangat kita ada otak yang sama kan.. ko buat lain laa. top 10 break up songs ka.. hahaha.
ReplyDeleteya ya.. best gila ne lagu tp aku benci si Adele ne. sangat mekmok yaa. mcm sgt palui memperbodohkan diri sendir. hahahaha
hahaa nanti aku buat. fave lines aku. hehe